Friday, June 12, 2009

Visa - Can't Leave Home Without It

Along with yesterday’s email was an attachment explaining the visa process. At least four Philippine government organizations are involved in the process:
- The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (visa process)
- The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (security clearance)
- The Department of Foreign Affairs (sends cable to Philippine embassy in Washington)
- Philippine Embassy Washington
And at least two American government organizations:
- Peace Corps Washington
- Peace Corps Philippines
Much coordination and collaboration involved. The agencies are particular and changes are not always communicated. Two years ago, the visas for the incoming volunteers weren’t ready until the day before departure – someone had to pick them up at the embassy and fly them to Los Angeles for the last day of staging – and this is only because it went to a higher level up the chain of command. Changes had to be made in the clearances of 46 of 66 invitees because they pulled info from biodata or resumes, and the names were not exact matches for the passports. So now they use only the passport or passport application and they are considering adding time between close of invitations and staging, though this could affect getting a full stage; they are looking for other ways to improve the process. Additional issues for PCRVs in the past were that Post (i.e. Peace Corps Philippines) received official info only after medical clearance and not simultaneously and that Peace Corps Response and Post did not know that the visa applications had to be notarized.

There was a long timeline at the end of the attachment, detailing the process for the last batch of volunteers. Their staging was last August; assuming they have one training group per year, that means I’ll get to the country about a month ahead of the next group of two-year volunteers. Again, I wonder how much contact I will have with them. I was told there would be another PRCV at Habitat for Humanity Philippines starting in September – I wonder if his or her departure date has changed as well. No answer yet as to whether I have a new end date and what that might be.

Some good news though – my dental records were mailed back to Peace Corps. Part of me wants to know where Peace Corps had mailed them to, but I think it’s better not to ask….


  1. Good luck on your interview. Have you checked out:

  2. This was just the written test. I learned about the FSOA yahoo group when I took the FSOA (Foreign Service Oral Assessment) in March - hadn't thought to look before, even though I had been active in Peace Corps Morocco yahoo groups (moderating, even). Now I know! I did look for Peace Corps Philippines and Peace Corps Response yahoo groups - couldn't find any, but at least I thought to look!
