Monday, July 13, 2009

Counting Down

I told someone today that I wouldn’t really begin the countdown until I get my plane ticket, but I did hear from the recruiter that she is picking up the visas on Friday and she’ll send an email next Monday. So I don’t really have much time left before I go!

When the departure date was postponed, I thought there might be an opportunity to join the Southampton Writers Conference. I’ll detail the saga in – although I thought about posting or cross-posting it here. Both of my narratives have intersected! For here, suffice it to say I’m not going. Instead, extra time enjoying the summer here is good – more time outside (walking, biking, swimming, sitting), some exploration, a little travel, and a visitor or two. And I’m working on – who knows, maybe that will develop into something; for now; it’s rewarding in and of itself.

I started putting things in the suitcase this weekend, just to see. It’s nice putting things in the suitcase that I know won’t be coming back with me – I think that’s yet another difference between then and now. These include a yoga mat, a big fluffy towel, a sheet, and the two casual suits I rescued from storage. I haven’t finalized my toiletry selection yet, but I am planning to take big sizes of everything – once I determine what I can get there and what needs to be sent, things will be more manageable, but either way, I’ll plan to lighten the toiletry load for any post-service traveling. Toiletries are heavy!

Other things I packed because I’m not using them now: raincoat, bathrobe, sweatshirt, sarong, coverup, microfiber towel, white noise machine (I had to jettison my old, heavy one in Rabat; when I returned I got a light, dual-voltage travel one. It’s actually surf noise, not white noise. A couple of weeks ago it finally warmed up enough here for me to keep the sliding door to my room open at night, so I can hear actual surf noise! Before that I was using it here). I also packed a pair of nice sandals and my flip flops.

That’s about it so far. It won’t take long to do the rest and to tape up the boxes of things I’m leaving here. It didn’t take long to do what I did so far, either – I did it more for my emotional state than for my physical one. I also finally started Culture Shock: Philippines. I don’t remember my astronaut terminology so I hope I’m putting it right when I say that I haven’t begun the countdown, but I guess I have begun the pre-launch sequence.

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